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Beetroot Powder

Packed with nutrients and bursting with natural flavor, a convenient way to boost your health and wellness.

Beetroot Powder

Organic beetroot powder is a vibrant and nutrient-rich superfood made from finely ground, organic beetroots. Bursting with natural color and flavor, this powder offers a convenient way to incorporate the health benefits of beets into your daily routine.
Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, organic beetroot powder is known for its potential to support cardiovascular health, boost energy levels, and promote detoxification. Whether stirred into smoothies, sprinkled over salads, or mixed into baked goods, this versatile powder adds a nutritious and delicious punch to any recipe. Adding beet powder into your diet can help increase your intake of important nutrients, which can help support a healthy lifestyle.
Just one teaspoon of the beetroot powder is the equivalent of an entire beet. Experience the goodness of organic beets in a convenient and easy-to-use powder form!


Organic beet root powder


Serving Size: 2.5g /cup
Origin: Italy
Certification: Organic
Grade or Quality: Powder
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